Who we are & What we stand for
I always knew and loved the baking community, but never thought I could be as good as them. Hard work and dedication proved me wrong. After mastering my recipes, I went on to practicing designing cakes. I didn’t go to any school for that other than the “University of YouTube” 😂 and watching other bakers on instagram. I guess you’re wondering where I got my business name huh, My name is Michele, my husband name is William and we are the DYES. Even though he is behind the scenes a-lot and you rarely see him, he plays a huge part in MWDYES.
I have been in business officially for 4 years, but my baking experience runs 10+ years strong. Baking is my aesthetic, my stress relief and my business. Taking someone’s vision and transferring that into cakes, is the reason I love what I do. My journey is just starting, I have learned so much, I’m still learning, and I will continue to learn. I will continue to teach and help other future bakers so they don’t have to make the same mistakes.
Hey everyone!
My name is Michele Dye and I am the owner of MWDYES. What started off as just something to do ended up as a legit business.